Our Story

From my travel experiences in Kilimanjaro, I have always noticed that women play a major role in tourism. But often it goes unnoticed because of its very nature. The roles are of great importance, but do not get the required recognition.
We are working on gender and tourism for establishing tourism as a tool for the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment, using gender analysis and gender training to tackle inequality and gender-based discrimination in the tourism industry.
The overall goal of the Tanzania Travelers is to promote women’s economic empowerment in tourism through, improving employment/entrepreneurship opportunities for women by facilitating their access to participate in tourism, and by creating possibilities for career advancement.

Working Hours

Monday - Friday 08:00AM - 18:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

+255 765 747 298


Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00. Sunday CLOSED

Tanzania Travelers Price - Tanzania Travelers
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Affordable Kilimanjaro Price for Kilimanjaro Climb and safari

Tanzania Travelers Price

Tanzania Travelers price offer customized with packages and connect budget-conscious climbers with a diligent team of guides, cooks and porters who are used to making a little go as far as possible, and who enjoy the high-integrity leadership and company ethos that prides itself in getting as many of its clients to Kilimanjaro’s summit as is safely possible.

Tanzania Travelers Price

Feel free to visit and compare our Kilimanjaro price. We are delighted to have you here, the place where you can get affordable Kilimanjaro climbs and Tanzania safaris and still enjoy high standards of staff motivation and great service on all routes.

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